Online business school


Discover EU Digital

Studying digitally at EU Business School instantly connects students to a network of peers, lecturers and business experts from all over the world. Through our flexible, affordable programs, students can arrange their studies around other commitments and still benefit from all the key features of an on-campus education. Our digital programs mirror their on-campus counterparts and use a blend of traditional teaching techniques and modern methods. Classes are hosted on easy-to-use platforms, and the latest technology ensures an innovative learning experience.

Programs are delivered by acclaimed and experienced lecturers from industry and the world of academia alike. Our syllabus includes guest speaker sessions and live webinars as well as three on-campus weeks in Geneva, Munich and Barcelona.

The Platform

The Platform

The virtual learning environment (VLE) at EU offers students an easy-to-navigate interface that ensures content and classes are easily accessible and available from anywhere, at any time and on any device, whenever students need. Learning spaces are customizable: students can create their own homepages, add or remove widgets, rearrange icons and integrate other apps, so they can study in whichever way they find most effective.



We believe online learning resources contribute positively toward making classrooms more environmentally friendly. All students have full access to the EBSCO and ProQuest online libraries and are encouraged to make use of these and other scholastic resources.

On-Campus Weeks

On-Campus Weeks

Outside of online coursework, students apply their skills and create connections through networking with colleagues during on-campus weeks, which take place once per term: Geneva in December; Munich in March; and Barcelona in June. This contact with colleagues and faculty helps ensure long-lasting relationships and is a great networking opportunity.

EU's on-campus weeks are filled with numerous activities including team-building, networking events, cultural experiences, guest lectures, exams and company visits. Students experience company cultures and learn about the challenges of running different types of businesses, gaining insight into the latest topics in business.


Academic Activities

Broadcasted Guest Speakers

Broadcasted Guest Speakers
As part of all curricula on the online campus, we invite important experts to the EU campuses to share insights with students that stimulate their curiosity and impart detailed information on modern business practices, as well as offer informed opinions on current trends. These guest lectures are broadcasted live on our VLE.

Exchange Opportunities

Exchange Opportunities
Add a European touch to your online experience by studying at any of our other four campuses in Barcelona, Geneva, Montreux or Munich. Based on program availability, you may exchange one semester/term or full year. Potential employers consider candidates who have lived in other countries and immersed themselves in diverse cultures to be adaptable, independent and better problem solvers.

Personal & Professional Development

Personal & Professional Development
Our career services department coaches you on how to capitalise on your skills and profit from your professional capacities. You can count on the lifelong, personalized support of a department that guides you to the achievement of your professional goals. Throughout your EU experience, you will have the opportunity to meet with expert career coaches who can help you to set objectives, create a personal brand and determine concrete actions to help you reach the next level in your career.


EU Experience

Start Your EU Journey


I would suggest the on-campus week to everyone. I remember the first time I went to Geneva to meet all my classmates, and it was amazing. It was really amazing because you see them for real, you talk to them, and all those impressions and images that you had of them, is different. It makes you closer.

Tianle Yu, Online Executive BBA

Online business school

Discover Our Campuses